8 th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India
17-20 December 2025
Guwahati, India

TCT-A01: Theme A: Pavements and materials
This theme will focus on all aspects of material characterization, analysis, design, construction, evaluation and maintenance of pavement structures. The topics include (but not limited to) characterization of conventional and innovative pavement materials, pavement material modelling, pavement recycling, stabilization of pavement layers, low volume roads, composite pavements, preventive and preservation techniques, rehabilitation, pavement instrumentation, performance monitoring, pavement deterioration modelling, forensic investigations, analysis and design of bituminous, concrete, composite and other kind of pavements, life cycle cost analysis, pavement maintenance management system, pavement drainage, airport pavements and railway track etc.

TCT-B01: Theme B: Traffic flow theory, operations and facilities
The theme will focus on the understanding of vehicular traffic operations on different types of facilities (e.g. expressway, arterial) as well as designing of these facilities in order to provide mobility in an efficient, reliable and safe manner. The topics include (but are not limited to) traffic operations, traffic control and management, traffic flow theory and modeling, operational effects of road geometry, signals and signs, traffic simulation, design of traffic facilities like roadways, intersections, toll-plazas, parking lots, transportation network analysis and optimization, real-time traffic data collection and analysis, vehicle dynamics,  applications of trajectory data in modelling, design and operation of road transportation systems, connected and autonomous vehicles etc.

TCT-C01: Theme C: Transport planning, policy, economics and project finance
This theme will focus on transport policy, economics and project finance. The topics include (but are not limited to) pricing strategies, public-private partnership, user impact of multimodal transport projects, project evaluation, cost-benefit analysis, performance measures and related resource management strategies, policy analysis, interaction with political, socio-economic and physical environment, transport as a means for economic development, social equity, transport education and driver education etc.

TCT-D01: Theme D: Travel behavior and transport demand
This theme will focus on research on travel demand forecasting and travel behaviour that aims to obtain a detailed understanding of how much, where, how, when, and why people travel. The Topics include (but are not limited to) travel demand management, spatial analysis of travel patterns, determinants of travel behaviour, data collection methods for capturing travel demand, activity-based travel demand models, tour, stop and trip generation models, destination and mode choice for developing economies, route choice and assignment for heterogeneous traffic networks, valuation of travel time, cost and reliability, role of service quality and subjective factors like attitude/perception on travel choices and demand, endogeneity in travel choice dimensions, dynamics in travel decisions, alternatives to utility maximization framework, etc.

TCT-E01: Theme E: Environment (including energy) and sustainability in transportation
This theme will focus on the sustainability issues in transportation. The topics include (but are not limited to) the concept of sustainability in transportation and the contemporary issues, transportation land use, socio-economic impacts of transport projects, issues related to energy, public health, safety, and short, medium- and long-term transport related climate change impact, asset management, green design and construction, ecosystem and land surface degradation, case studies of best practices, effective institutions and governance etc. Specific topics can include:

Environmental impact assessment, Externalities: environmental and health costs of transport, Infrastructure and land development (Emissions based on urban form), Sustainable mobility planning, policies, and governance, Equity, social justice and gender equality, Renewable energies in transport sector, Gender perspective in transport, Transport and health, Traffic noise prediction and abutment, Air transport environmental issues, Integrating Sustainability into Transportation Planning

TCT-F01: Theme F: Transportation safety and security
This theme will focus on safety and security issues related to transportation with various modes, such as highway, railway, waterway and aviation. The topics include (but are not limited to) crash data collection, analysis and modelling,  analysis of transportation policy and planning for safety and security, adaptation of user behavior and human factor in transportation safety and design improvements, safety evaluation of devices, treatments and infrastructure design, effectiveness of control systems, operation and maintenance strategies, construction practices, adopted technologies and management techniques related to safety and security of transportation network etc

TCT-G01: Theme G: Transport and mobility networks (including public transportation, freight and logistics)
This theme will focus on efficient planning and design of transport and mobility networks including public transportation, freight and logistics. The topics include (but not related to)  multimodal transport systems, transport data and analytics, big data and transport modelling, planning, implementation, operation and management of all forms of urban and regional public transit systems, transit demand estimation, transit capacity and level of service, impact assessment of transit and policy issues, public transport and demand responsive systems, smart mobility and quality of life, transport accessibility, mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons, smart city network design, traffic assignment, freight demand modelling, city logistics systems, freight traffic management, intermodal freight transport, application of technologies in freight transportation etc.

TCT-H01: Theme H: Emerging travel technologies (ITS and IOT)
This theme will focus on all aspects that come under the broad umbrella of technological advances in transportation. The topics include (but not related to) connected and autonomous vehicles and modeling, technology enabled models of mobility services related to passenger and freight transportation, technology enabled multi-modal integration, intelligent transportation systems, robotics, artificial intelligence and augmented reality in transportation, computer vision and image processing for transportation applications,  big data analytics for transportation, V2X communication in transportation, internet of things in transportation etc.

TCT-I01: Theme I: Other transportation modes (including NMT) and pedestrian
The theme focuses on various modes of transportation like air, water, rail and roads (including non-motorized transport) and pedestrian movement. The topics include (but not limited to) aviation system planning, air traffic control and management, aviation economics and forecasting; port, harbor and fleeting services, marine operation and safety; inland waterway systems for passenger and freight transportation, operations and logistics; railway system planning, design, operation and management, rail-road operation and safety; freight transportation and operations using rail, water and air modes; pedestrian and (bi/tri) cycle flows, planning and design; facility design and evaluation for safe, comfortable and efficient movements; terminal design and planning; evacuation planning using different modes; battery or electric operated vehicles, hybrid vehicles; choice and activity modelling, within and across transportation systems and in station area and terminal area; etc.

TCT-J01: Theme J:  Transportation Geotechnics
Mechanistic-empirical design of transportation substructures for road/rail/airfield/ports/harbors, Optimized characterization of conventional/recycled/waste geomaterials in road/rail embankments, Properties and behavior of unsaturated subgrade and compacted fills supporting transportation infrastructure, Geotechnics of land reclamation and improvement for offshore/ports/harbors, Subsurface sensing and instrumentation, Soft subgrade instability including yielding and fluidisation, Applied ground improvement/stabilization/reinforcement techniques, Application of geosynthetics in transportation infrastructures, Geotechnics of underground transportation and tunnels, Slope stability and risk management in relation to transport corridors, Application of retention structures, Pile-supported transport infrastructure, Computational advances and numerical modelling, Dynamic and seismic vulnerability of transportation infrastructure, Intelligent construction in earthworks technology and management, Climatic effects on the behavioral transformation of geomaterials, Success and failure cases in transportation geotechnics

Note: Papers meeting the broad areas of the Conference Themes would also be considered.

