8 th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India
17-20 December 2025
Guwahati, India

Instructions to author(s): How to submit Full Paper

  1. Prepare the paper as per the template given for 10-15 pages.
  2. For submission of Full paper in 8th CTRG, 2025 conference, author(s) have to use the "easychair" account which was created (or used) during Full Length Paper submission. Go to the following URL to log in to easychair account for full length paper submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ctrg2025
  3. Provide all the required information like title, abstract, keywords and topic/theme. Further, provide all co-authors details on this page. Please upload the Full Paper
  4. Please remember that your submitted full paper should NOT include any author(s) details (like Name, email, affiliation, acknowledgment etc.) in the body of the paper including the front page. All these details need to be entered only in easychair.
  5. Once you have submitted all the paper(s), you can log out.

Click Here to download the full-length paper template in word version 

Full-Length Paper Review Policy

  1. The full-length paper review will be double-blind.
  1. The decision on the full-length paper will be based on at least two review reports.
  1. The decision of the Scientific Committee (CTRG) on the acceptance/ rejection of a full-length paper will be final.