8 th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India
17-20 December 2025
Guwahati, India

A special Doctoral Research Symposium (DRS) in Transportation Research will be conducted as part of the 8th CTRG. The DRS provides a platform for Ph.D. Candidates to showcase their dissertation work and network with academicians and industrialists working in those areas. An extended abstract of dissertations (completed in 2024 and likely to be completed in 2025) can be submitted. The extended abstract should be having a graphical abstract of the entire work along with objectives, a brief description of methodology, novelty, and contributions. The abstract, including the graphics, should not be more than 3 pages.  Page 1 should have a title and complete author information, and a graphical abstract. Pages 2-3 should list objectives, a brief description of the methodology, the novelty of the work, and contributions made. The abstract should be forwarded by the faculty supervisor confirming the year of submission as given below. Documents in PDF format can be submitted to ctrg@trgindia.org with the files as attachments. Selected candidates will be invited to make presentations during the DRS. The extended abstract need to be submitted along with the Forwarding Letter from the Supervisor in the TRG’s prescribed format (Download the Format).

The submission deadline is September 30, 2025.
Forwarding Statement by PhD Supervisor. Click here

 Extended Abstract Template 
Pdf Docs File