8 th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India
17-20 December 2025
Guwahati, India

A. TCT Best Paper Award

TRG has 9 Technical committees to promote Transportation Research and Education. CTRG2025 will award the Best Papers from each of the Technical Committees. Should no paper be found suitable in any of the TCTs, the award evaluation committee may recommend ‘NFS’ to TRG and CTRG.

B. Outstanding Student Paper Award

TRG will award the TRG’s Outstanding Student Paper Award (hereafter, the TOST-PA) from the year 2025. Student authors are welcome to submit a paper for the TOST-PA. The student author must be the first author and the co-authors are limited to Supervisors only. The full paper must not have been submitted for publication or published. The TOST-PA selection committee shall shortlist no more than three student papers in this award category. The student will be the presenter in this category. The best paper awardees will be invited to submit their work to TiDE subject to their willingness for publication. The submission will go through the normal peer review process as per the journal’s review procedure by the Editor-in-Chief for Transportation in Developing Economies (TiDE).

C. TRG’s Best Thesis (TBT)

The TRG’s Best Thesis (TBT) Award (hereafter, the TBT) is established to promote cutting-edge futuristic research and education in India. Ph.D. Scholars with Indian Citizenship who have completed his/her doctoral study at an Indian University/Institute are eligible to apply. The applicants should have completed their Ph.D. defense during the period of ‘01 April 2023 to 31 March 2025’ are eligible for TBT 2025. An applicant should submit the filled in application form, a CV, an extended abstract of 1,500 - 2,000 words of her/his PhD thesis, a Ph.D. certificate (or equivalent), thesis supervisor's forwarding letter, and supporting documents to the Award Committee by October 05, 2025. The shortlisted applicants’ extended abstracts will be included for presentation in CTRG2025. The following guidelines are to be followed for eligibility consideration and evaluation of TBT. TRG will confer a TBT to each of the three broad categories (PPT: Planning – Pavement – Traffic) of Transportation Research.

1. Applicant needs to submit the application form along with the CV, Ph.D. Certificate, and Supervisor’s forwarding letter in TRG’s prescribed format (Download the Format). The application needs to be sent to the email: ctrg@trgindia.org with the Subject heading TBT2023-2025.
2. The applicant may report the published papers from Ph.D. work till 6 months after the defense date. For example, if the defense date is March 31, 2025, then the publications (online and offline) will be considered till September 30, 2025.
3. The application deadline is October 05, 2025.
4. The applicants need to submit a paper from their research work for TRG’s flagship journal Transportation in Developing Economies (TiDE). The deadline for this submission is September 30, 2025. The submission will go through the normal peer review process as per the journal’s review procedure by the Editor-in-Chief for TiDE. The applicant needs to attach the submission confirmation e-mail along with the application.TiDE is indexed in Web of Science and the 2023 impact factor is 1.5.
5. The applicants must register for the conference before the deadline for the author’s registration. Please visit https://ctrg2025.trgindia.org/index.php for the key dates.
6. Should no suitable candidate (s) qualify for the Award in a particular year, the Award Committee reserves the right not to grant an Award.

Chairs, 8th CTRG Scientific Committee, 2025 | Organizing Committee, CTRG 2025
Executive Board, TRG India