8 th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India
17-20 December 2025
Guwahati, India

IIT Guwahati Guest House:

Guest House of IIT Guwahati is a piece of art and is used to accommodate invitees, important personalities, and guardians of institute students. The beauty of the architecture has given every room a view of the scenic beauty of campus. The institute has two guest houses, with the old one comprising 60 rooms, while the new guest house additionally has more than 150 rooms to accommodate people visiting this premier institute in accordance with events. Guest House offers rooms with modern facilities, a mesmerizing landscape, Internet access, and an excellent dining facility.  Breakfast, lunch and dinner can be availed from the IITG guest house. The availability of rooms in both guest houses will be updated on the conference website in due course. A limited number of hostel rooms will also be available for the delegates.

images IIT Guwahati Old Guest house
images IIT Guwahati New Guest house
images Inside view of rooms at IIT Guwahati
images Inside view of rooms

Nearby Hotels at IIT Guwahati

Sl. No. Name Rating Address Distance/travel time from IITG Contact Number Tentative Price Range (in INR) Link
1 Radisson Blu 5-star National Highway 37, Guwahati, 781033, India 
14 km
(22 min)
1 800 1080 333  Luxury 11000 radissonhotels.com
2 Sachika Hotels NA NH 31, Opp: Vandya International School, Amingaon, Guwahati, Assam 781039 4 km
(11 min)
07099004522 Luxury >3000 https://goo.gl/maps/Ny8oirDgK9jTNrmo8
3 Kiranshree Grand 5-star Email: reservations@kiranshreegrand.com
Mirzapur, Azara, Guwahati 781017 India
23 km
(34 min)
+91 361 2840900 – 03 (4 lines) Luxury 9000 Kiranshree Grand
4 Red Rose NA Joyguru, Kalipahar, opp. Iit Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam 781039
  1. km
(13 min)
06900666866 Economy >2000 https://goo.gl/maps/k61HqxtqzkvWa9HGA
5 Hotel Dynasty 4-star SS Rd, Lakhtokia, Fancy Bazaar, Guwahati, Assam 781001 20 km
(49 min)
03612516021 Luxury 4000 dynastyhotel.in
6 Royale De' Casa 4-star Wireless, Beltola-Basistha Road, Guwahati-781028,ASSAM
Email: royaledecasa@gmail.com
31 km
(64 min)
+91-361-2220031/2223350/2223351 Luxury 6000 royaledecasa.com
7 Hotel Raj Mahal 4-star A.T. Road, Guwahati-781001, Assam (India)
EMAIL: info@hotelrajmahal.in
20 km
(49 min)
+91 361 2549141-46 Luxury 3920-6000 Hotel Rajmahal
8 The Lilly Hotel 4-star G.S. Road Opp. Directorate Of Agriculture Office Khanapara, Six Mile, Guwahati, Assam 781022 32 km
(62 min)
 NA Luxury 6000 The Lily Hotel
9 Hotel Atithi 3-star 7 AK Azad Road, Paltan Bazar, Opposite Nepali Mandir, 22 km
(50 min)
03612732111 Luxury 3000-4000 https://hotelatithiguwahati.com/
10 Kiranshree Grand 5-star New Airport Rd, Mirzapur, Ganakpara, Guwahati, Mirzapur, Assam 781017 23 km
(37 min)
097060 98014 Luxury 9000 https://goo.gl/maps/sCEJG71maxnDb7249
11 Ginger Hotel 3-star IHM Campus VIP Road Borbari, Upper, Hengrabari, Guwahati, Assam 781036 34 km
(67 min)
0361 716 0633 Luxury 3000 https://www.gingerhotels.com/ginger-guwahati
12 Vishwaratna Hotel 3-star Vishwaratna Hotel A. T. Road, Guwahati - 781001 | Map E-mail: reservation@vishwaratnahotel.com 20 km
(45 min)
+91 995 419 0005 Luxury 3500-4000 https://www.vishwaratnahotel.com/contact-us/contact-us.html
13 Onyx Garden Boutique 2-star 61, 18, MD Shah Rd, opp. SAI Complex, Paltan Bazaar, Guwahati, Assam  781008 21 km
(48 min)
08939256247 Economy 2500 https://goo.gl/maps/ZzLHvWaxSxuS84qs8
14 Starline 3-star 12, MD Shah Rd, Paltan Bazaar, Guwahati, Assam 781008 21 km
(48 min)
07578005818 Economy 1500-4000 https://goo.gl/maps/HoENYQyt3xKwS7a18
15 Barney Grand 2-star Near Hari Sabha, Pan Bazaar, Guwahati, Assam 781001 21 km
(55 min)
NA Economy 1200 - 1800 https://goo.gl/maps/cLxMRMUn8yBUsZkR6
16 Blue Diamond NA Jaswanta Rd, opp. central bank of india, Saraswati Market, Pan Bazaar, Guwahati, Assam 781001 21 km
(57 min)
09954189584 Economy 1000 https://goo.gl/maps/5ewrahAi33FNzNQY9
17 Hotel Nova 3-star 1, SS Rd, Kamarpatty, Fancy Bazaar, Guwahati, Assam 781001 20 km
(57 min)
01246201318 Economy 990-1800 https://goo.gl/maps/pfx4mTihnRrowXgS6
18 Hotel Orchid 2-star Dr. B, RG Baruah Rd, Near Nehru Stadium, Ulubari, Guwahati, Assam 781007 23 km
(59 min)
03612456585 Economy 1000-3000 https://goo.gl/maps/RuAourzcceSxj3qCA
19 Eureka Grand NA 123, TR Phookan Rd, Machkhowa, Guwahati, Assam 781009 19 km
(48 min)
 NA Economy 2400 https://goo.gl/maps/aoYSzF9XYd4HcWV26
20 Magic Square Hotel NA Dr JC Das Rd, Kamarpatty, Fancy Bazaar, Guwahati, Assam 781001 21 km
(55 min)
06003596516 Economy 2000 https://goo.gl/maps/6n5fknBqHJkFbXJA8

NOTE: The above hotels are identified near the venue of CTRG conference (https://maps.app.goo.gl/zsyuaMTaWBkjtyHg8). The delegates and participants can book their rooms in advance in these hotels as per their convenience. CTRG is only providing the information related to available accommodation nearby the conference venue. We are not responsible for the ratings, and we are not involved in this accommodation.